Sunday, July 10, 2011

The dawn of a new era

Another day dawns here in Sunny Cornwall. 

Its a Sunday so that means "Railway Day".  For those of you who don't know me, I am a bit of a rail enthusiast (No not a train spotter.......I like to get in and get my hands dirty)

More information on where I volunteer can be found here

 So its off on my trusty steed.  If you were following the old blogs before I merged them, you might be thinking "What the hell is this?........That isn't a Lada/gonna pull a caravan!!!!!!!!
No folks, my daily hack is a 2007 Sukida 50cc moped.

On arrival I find out that this is what I'm going to be playing with today.  Now I get to play with this and other bits of kit in a private setting.  The skills and experience I get operating the 360 digger could earn me £9 or £10 per hour on a building site.......................if I had the right bits of paper (Stupid isn't it)

First job of the day (after greasing the machine) is to shift a load of concrete railway sleepers from one side of the line to the other............a bit pointless you might think, however where they were was all overgrown and needed the track bed prepping.  Plus we had a flail on site (those things that cut bushes on the back of a tractor) cutting back the banks and the overgrown trackbed.

Once that was done, it was down with the dozer blade and start to level the trackbed ready for the ballast (and ultimately track) to go down.  See below!!!

Time was marching on so it was off to put the machine to bed, have a general natter etc, have a coffee and head for home.

Now I'm sorry, but I couldn't resist taking the picture below.  I've seen this on the back of an old Citroen AX for a few weeks now and couldn't resist.  Definitely my sense of Humor

More later

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