Friday, May 27, 2011

At last something positive

When we last left, the plan was to go out with the wire brush, curerust and the primer the next day.  Well for reasons I won't go into that didn't quite happen.

It was a week later (to the day) before I managed to do anything on the car.  The first job was the new hammer and chisel to try and get the remaining bits of wing off.

I was actually quite worried about this because the last thing I wanted to do was to take the doors off, but as you can see, I didn't need too.

As you can see, the inner wing is actually quite sound where it meets the sill, not requireing any extra welding there then :-)

After a run around with the wire brush (god how did we cope before wire brush attachments to a power drill) out came the curerust!!!

When that had done its thing, time to get the red oxide primer on.  Might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I have been using it on preserved railways for years so I know it is good stuff!!!

After letting that dry, it was time to cover up for the night.  As you can see from picture 3 I still have some wing to take off, but time was getting on so I left that for another day (Tomorrow????)

And I've still got to have a go at this welding lark to see if I can do it

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