Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Slow progress

As I said yesterday, I had to go out and protect the other side of the car, so the sun was shining, out came the wire brush, curerust and red primer and the passenger side was attacked.

Not as well covered or neat as I would have liked.......I was running out of paint

I've remembered to do the bit at the top of the inner wing that I missed on the other side.

So, I had to go and do the bit I missed..........to be fair, I hadn't forgotten, there was still a bit of wing in the way.

Only a couple of hours on the car today........I've now run out of curerust and primer!
Progress is going to be very slow from now on.  I've pretty much run out of jobs to do until I either
1\ Order some parts from www.lada.co.uk (this requires having some money)
2\ Practice my welding skills till I am confident enough to actually risk using them on the car.

I have been putting that off because of the fear of the unknown..........what if I am totally crap at it?  Having to pay someone to do the welding would just about kill this project and I've put to much time and effort into it already. (Not that you would think so looking at the pictures.....It looks like I have just ripped parts off.

It might be a while before I update this blog again..............depends how I get on with the welding

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